My first time playing with Gesso and modeling paste, products of Maimeri.
Have to try them on paper to see just what I can do. It was an interesting first time experiment. I put acrylics over it and mixed in a bit of Derwent's Inktenses and some Russian made ink sprays, also I used stensils and stamps.
Photo is from cinema add, presenting "Hugo" by Martin Scorsese, which in Russia was shown under the name "Time Keeper"(don't ask me why - our translators'minds have very-very strange thought process))). I absolutely love this movie, it is so beautiful and adventurous, it has a lot of its own charm and the whole cast is very talented and.. there are so many good things to say about this movie, but I'm sure you know them all)). And if you, per strange chance, have not seen it yet - please, DO. It will totally hit you in all right places)).